Custom Control Arms - Shelved.

April 2022:

Now that ORIGINALITY is done, I am itching for a new product to start. ORIGINALITY is a little more difficult as it only fit the AZ-1 and Cara.
Control arms on the other hand seems like it is very cross platform. As far as I understand, the AZ-1, Cara, Alto and Cervo share the same control arms. (There may be more but I just don’t know.) This could be pretty handy for those of you that like to get some cool suspension mods.

I’m not sure what I can do yet but I was thinking at minimum adjustable camber with upgraded joints/bushings.
Let’s see where this takes us.

Sept 2022:

I think this project is going to be shelved. There does not seem to be a decent benefit to having these at this time. May revisit in the future, let me know if you would be interested and I can consider bumping it higher in the priorities list.


Window Air Scoops - Shelved


Autozam AZ-1/Suzuki Cara Full Decal Sets - Completed Apr 2022 - Available in shop