Following the information in the image below will result in a 1” reduction in throw measured from the front of the knob in 1st to 2nd gear IF you also shorten the length of the shifter shaft to lower the knob. Currently unsure of the length if you do not shorten the shaft.
Stock throw length from 1st to 2nd is 4”
If the platform is raised 10.5mm with the same adjustments to the lower connectors and leaving the shift knob height stock, it will also result in a 1” reduction in throw measured from the front of the knob in 1st to 2nd gear.
Click to enlarge photos
Modded shifter #2 specifications
12.75mm removed from the shaft above the ball to lower knob height.
5.2mm added to shaft below ball
5.4mm added to dogleg
5.25mm added to platform height
This results in a 3” (76.2mm) of throw from 1st to 2nd gear measured from the HVAC panel
I want to understand the geometry better to see how this actually works since it seems like 3 different mods to this results in a 1” (25.4mm) inch throw reduction.